The Grant and Per Diem (GPD) National Program Office is pleased to announce a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) to eligible entities to provide time-limited case management services to improve the retention of housing for Veterans who were previously homeless and are transitioning to permanent housing from programs such as VA’s Homeless Providers GPD Program or VA’s Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Contracted Residential Services (CRS) Program.
Veterans GPD Case Management NOFA
Information about the NOFA, the link to the application and various technical assistance products can be found on the GPD website . One of the technical assistance products is a link to the recording of an 80 minute presentation which provides a detailed overview of the NOFA. We encourage potential applicants, VA staff and community partners to watch this presentation to gain an understanding of the NOFA and how to apply (we have included the link for your convenience). Potential applicants should read the NOFA and watch the presentation prior to attempting to complete the application. The application deadline in May 20, 2019 at 4pm eastern.
Link to GPD Case Management NOFA presentation
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