As those of you who’ve been attending our meetings are aware, the VCEH is preparing to send comments to HUD in regard to the manner in which they do business with us. The changes in priorities that place more burden on local communities and may contribute to less services or less effective services for homeless people; the increasing administrative burdens; reporting requirements that we believe are not capturing useful data or serving any helpful purpose as far as we can see; and their dysfunctional manner of communication and lack of timely response or helpful information when we have a question or an issue that needs to be resolved.
A small group of us are in the process of drafting a letter. We would like the input of those of you who have had the experience of dealing with HUD as grantees and subgrantees. Please take a few minutes to look at the State of Vermont Consolidated Plan, which is updated annually with the input of many stakeholders around the State, as it relates to homelessness:
Then think about HUD’s priorities. If you feel that HUD’s priorities are not in synch with those of the Con Plan, please note the discrepancies that you see. Also please think about your experience with HUD and make note of any problems that you have had.
Please submit your comments by Thursday, April 24 to Pat Burke,, Josh Davis,, and Jeanne Montross,