The Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness monthly meeting will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15, at the Vermont Tech Enterprise Center, located at 1051 Route 66 in Randolph. The meeting will be called to order at 10am. Some of the items to be discussed:
- Discussions of the impact of the federal government shutdown and the possible default on top of sequestration in Vermont
- 2014 P.I.T. Coordination
- VCEH-AHS-VSHA Memorandum of Agreement
- Comparison of Emergency Housing Requests
We strongly encourage you to attend the meeting in person, but if you are unable to, please dial-in at 1-866-244-8528 and use the participant access code 324359. Please review the agenda and last month’s meeting minutes.
Immediately following the meeting at 11:30am, the Single HMIS Exploration Committee, a joint committee of VCEH and the Chittenden County Continuum of Care, will be hosting a workshop to identify the needs and requirements of a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
This will be a valuable opportunity for homeless service providers across the state to begin working together to identify how HMIS is currently used and how it could be used to improve service delivery, facilitate coordinated assessment, and support performance measurement while supporting the everyday program tasks.
The workshop will focus on issues that are relevant to agency leadership, program managers and case managers or other staff that use HMIS on a daily basis. Because the goal is to understand existing and desired process, it is especially important for non- technical people who are familiar with provider processes to attend.
The workshop will end at 3:30pm. For those staying for the HMIS Workshop, we encourage you to bring a sack lunch.
For more information, and to send in your RSVP to the Workshop, please email Justin Henry at
We hope to see you tomorrow morning!