We at VCEH are so excited to be adding a new member to the team and looking to hire an AmeriCorps VISTA Communication & Outreach Coordinator! The VCEH VISTA member will work under the supervision of VCEH Executive Director, Martin Hahn, and with VCEH Program Coordinator, Molly Shimko, to help build the capacity of our small, high-impact nonprofit to help alleviate poverty and reduce homelessness in Vermont.
We’re looking for a self-motivated individual able to work both independently and as a team with solid research, writing, and computer skills interested in the field of homelessness services and affordable housing.
A short breakdown of responsibilities include: resource development and fundraising including designing donor campaigns and assisting with grant writing, organizational and educational development and support including updating VCEH board orientation materials and helping create training modules, and assisting with other projects such as helping to plan Homelessness Awareness Day, implementing our new governance structure, assisting with the Point-in-Time Count and more!
For a more detailed description of the position, follow the link HERE.
For a shareable flyer about the position, follow the link HERE.
To apply to this position, please email your resume and cover letter to helpingtohousevt@gmail.com, or you can apply through the myAmeriCorps portal (you will then send a resume and cover letter to SerVermont).